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Elecraft KX2 Retrofit V2 by RadioSet-GO
Elecraft KX2 retrofit V2 by RadioSet-GO
Elecraft KX2 upgrade kit by RadioSet-GO
Elecraft KX3 retrofit V1 by RadioSet-GO, operating in the woods of NH
trollveggen & elecraft kx-2
Elecraft KX3 retrofit by RadioSet-GO
Buying the #Elecraft #Kx2 for #POTA activations but have to wait a long time for it to be shipped.
Elecraft KX3 with PX3 retrofit by RadioSet-GO
SOTA with the ELECRAFT KX2 – Successful in any environment with minimum effort
Elecraft KX2 to WinkeyerUSB
Elecraft KX2 hardcase
Setup the Elecraft KX2 in the back yard in Phoenix